Conversations with and among Education, Research, Health,
Social Practices, Psychotherapy...
MARCH, 30 & 31; APRIL 1 & 2; 2017
Always with the idea of the Conference slogan "Conversations with and between Education, Research, Health, Social Practices and Psychotherapy", we aim to be as active, open, participatory and diverse as possible. With the call for proposals we open the submission of papers for the presentation during it. The theme of the activities will be related logically with Collaborative and Dialogic Practices, in any of its applications. based on real practice and research works.
ATTENTION >>> We know that the concept "Social Practices" is very open. You can send proposals based, for exemple, on your experiences, practices or research in relation with Social intervention, Conflicts mediation and resolution, Political action, Social work, Sociology, Anthropology,...
We open the presentation of two types of activities: Workshops and Posters. In both cases who wishes to present his/her work, please send the form linked below having filled in all the information requested.
Upon we have receive the proposal, the relevant Committee shall review it, communicating ideas or possible improvements for the needs of Conference, if necessary.
It is suggested -not mandatory- that all jobs are submitted by two or more persons and always in dialogical way.
The printed program that will be delivered to attendees will include the name of the authors, affiliation and title of the activity in English and Spanish languages. On the website we will also publish the curriculums and abstracts that were submitted, in the original language. It will also be in pdf format for easy printing whoever wants to do it.
We are proposing that the workshops have a practical and experiential format during an hour and a half by which you invite the active participation of the attendees. We suggest to be provided by two or more people from different groups or countries, if possible, in order to facilitate transcultural, diversity, dialogue with attendees and personal work and contact before the Conference.
It shall be provided in any of the official languages of the Conference (Spanish, English or Portuguese) and the organization will provide consecutive translation.
... are an exceptional opportunity to present and publicize a graphically while dialogic research in progress or completed, publications, experiences, case studies, ...
We invite to facilitate interaction and dialogue with participants in the Conference.
The format is free, although it is recommended that the poster has some measures: 120 x 90 cms.
We accept also diverse formats, as video, projection of photographs or other artistic or symbolic forms. They can even be presented as a musical, dance, performance, ... for which we ask to you that you specified on the form, and your possible needs so that the organization will endeavor to provide the necessary infrastructure.
Closed :-(
If you have any question, please write us:
We want to reiterate our appreciation for sending your proposals to the Conference. It will be an honor to have you among us in Tenerife.
Since we are in the process of designing and allocating spaces and schedules for the program, please, we ask you the following:
1) To all persons who have registered but have not yet been able to pay their registration, to do it as soon as possible please.
2) All persons who appear as proponents of a Workshop and / or Poster to full their registration and make the payment, please.
3) In case of group presentation (workshop or poster) we will include in the definitive program the people who have formalized registration and payment. Collective proposals in which all members are not enrolled and registered and some of them are not going to do so for any reason, we ask you to send us a name of the group or line of research or project in which your proposal is framed, in order to identify in the final program the team that inspires and / or elaborates the proposal, in addition to the members who will participate in the Conference.
As always we are available to hear some exceptional situation in this regard.
Please do so before January 15, when we will definitely close the program.
We take the opportunity to remind you the recommended accommodations, among which we highlight the Residencia Universitaria Santo Tomás de Aquino for its excellent price and location less than thirty minutes walking from the Congress venue.
Remember that we are at your complete disposal for any questions you may have.
Best wishes,
The Organization Committee